10 Black Women News Anchors Who Paved The Way In Broadcast Journalism

News anchors are like family — streaming by television into our homes every day to deliver the latest developments around the world. In most cases, they are the first faces nosotros see in the morn, and many times the last faces we see at night.

And in that way, their presence in our lives are expected, and losing them can be devastating.

That was evident with the loss of Atlanta news anchor Amanda Davis, whose death left a city devastated. Davis' expiry also reminded the world how hard Black women have had to work to get a seat at the anchor table. As broadcast journalists, Black women accept endured racism, sexism, and criticism about everything from our peel tone and hair, to our diction.

It hasn't been an easy road, but with each anchor, the road gets paved with more opportunities. And with the recent appointment of Hoda Kotb in the coveted Today Testify slot left open by disgraced host Matt Lauer, information technology'due south articulate Black women take been and volition keep to persevere and run the prove.

Hither are a few news anchors that accept broken the broadcasting drinking glass ceiling.