What Does the Bible Say About Design

Designers and Craftsmen in the Bible

Colin Tan

During the last few months while conducting Design Thinking workshops remotely, I went to the bible to search for references to design and craftsmen.


Most church designers know this verse in Exodus which speaks about the craftsman Bezalel:

"See, I have called by name Bezalel … And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom… to design artistic works…"

- Exodus 31:2–4 (NKJV)

There are two words related to design in this verse:

חָשַׁב chashab = design
count (23x), devise (22x), think (18x), imagine (9x), design

מַחֲשָׁבָה machashabah = artistic works
Thought (28x), device (12x), purpose (6x), work (3x), imaginations (3x), cunning works

The root word of machashabah is chashab.

Let's take a look at what some commentaries say about machashabah:

Cunning works (KJV) implies "inventiveness," having a mind that can look at something and say, "We need this kind of a tool to accomplish this task," and then produce the tool to make it.
(Forerunner's Commentary)

Sounds like how we define Design Thinking today, isn't it?

1. To devise cunning works — i.e., to design everything excellently; and
2. To work in all manner of workmanship — i.e., to carry out his designs with success.
(Pulpit Commentary)

There's an element of excellence and success in the works of Bezalel. Now let's look at the law of first mention.

First Mention of chashab

And [Abraham] believed in the LORD; and he counted (chashab) it to him for righteousness.

- Genesis 15:6 (NKJV)

The amazing revelation is that design in the bible is related to the gift of righteousness which Pastor Joseph Prince always preaches! In order to design well, we need to have a revelation of His gift of righteousness which is imputed unto us freely, because of the finished work of Jesus on the cross.

Bezalel and Oholiab

Bezalel - means In the shadow of God (cf. Psalm 91:1)

Oholiab - means Father's Tent/Tabernacle (cf. Psalm 91:10)

Both Bezalel and Oholiab are master craftsmen and architects of the Tabernacle. They both have a revelation of dwelling in the secret place and in the Father's presence before being masters in their work!


And now I have sent a skillful man …Huram my master craftsman … to make any engraving and to accomplish any plan which may be given to him

- 2 Chronicles 2:13–14

Huram is a master craftsman who is able to accomplish any plan or design or artistic works = machashabah!

Pastor Daniel also shared a great revelation of Huram:

He is able to work with other skillful men — a leader of leaders.

The root word of Huram is chur: white, white linen — which speaks of righteousness! Huram is son of Dan, which means judge/judgement. The Lord took on himself our judgement so that we are now the righteousness of God in Christ!

Wisdom as a Master Craftsman

Then I [wisdom] was beside Him as a master craftsman; And I was daily His delight, Rejoicing always before Him,

- Proverbs 8:30 (NKJV)

The word master craftsman is amon אָמוֹן in Hebrew

It also means "to bring up as a son" or "as one brought up" (KJV). The root word of amon is aman (believe), which is the same word as Abraham believed in God (Gen 15:6)!

When you are training under a master-teacher, you are almost like his foster-son. In order to express the heart of God as a craftsman, we need to draw close to him and be like a foster-son, to be like Wisdom, to adopted as sons and daughters of Abba Father (Romans 8:15)!

Truly a key to reign in life, in designing and craftsmanship!

What Does the Bible Say About Design

Source: https://medium.com/church-design/designers-and-craftsmen-in-the-bible-a637ffbd199b

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